Discover here the screw-in version of the famous Astronomik 642BP filter.
This filter provides a Bandpass range of 200nm from 642 to 842nm. It blocks further infrared, minimizing hot spots commonly found with standard high-pass filters.

As this filter allows some visible radiation to pass through, post-processed images (including layer inversion of R and B channels) are highly colorful, with great detail, minimal to no hot spots (depending on your lens), and with a modified 4'IR Full Spectrum camera, exposure times perfectly suitable for handheld operation (little to no deviation from what the meter indicates).
Unlike other IR-Pass filters with tinted glass, the Astronomik 642BP is an interference filter using top-quality substrates and advanced technology to uniformly deposit metal atoms on the glass, ensuring exceptional abrasion resistance. You can be confident in maintaining the sharpness of your favorite lenses.
Here are images captured by Yann Philippe, using a modified EOS 2000d with the 642BP filter, showcasing the variety and subtlety of tones achievable with a single camera and filter :
Find Yann PHILIPPE's blog here :